UV 打印在銀反光玻璃片,60cm X35cmX17張 | UV printing on silver reflective glass, 60cm X35cmX17pieces
麻笏河及梧同河水,工業內窺鏡 | water from Ma Wat River and Ng Tung River, industrial endoscope camera
位置:麻笏河及梧桐河匯流處 | Location: confluence of Ma Wat River and Ng Tung River
日期:5月15日/ 8月9日 | Date : 15 May, 2021 / 9 August, 2021
順着丹山河西行,在粉嶺龍躍村附近便是梧桐/印度河與麻笏河的交匯處。 梧桐/印度河流速和緩、河水淡藍,而麻笏河水流湍急、色澤厚重。交匯時兩條河的紋理與速度相互摩擦,在一條河上並行出兩路水流。趟着河水,羅玉梅採樣了交匯處的兩條河水以及它們水底的聲音。於是,水紋、水路、水聲、水體以及身體趟過河流的記憶成為她測繪河流的數據:交錯起伏的水紋局部被燈帶打亮,深淺不一的河水在塑膠桶內浸泡着羅玉梅趟河而行的相片。 (河上沒有人唱歌展覽圖錄,So Much Water 節選,瞿暢撰)
Following Tan Shan River, in the west lies Lung Yeuk Tsuen in Fanling, near which is the confluence of Ng Tung/Indus River and Ma Wat River. When the gentle flow of pale blue water of Ng Tung/Indus River and the rapid and opaque Ma Wat River meet, the textures and speeds of the two rivers collide against each other, two parallel streams flow in the same river. Wading in the river, Law collected the two waters at the confluence and their sounds in the riverbed. Water patterns, water flows, sounds of water, water bodies, and memories of the body wading through the river became the data for her river surveying: The interlaced and undulating water patterns partially illuminated by light strips, in a plastic bucket, a photograph of Law wading in the river floats upon different shades of water.(excerpt from “So Much Water” by Qu Chang, There Is No One Singing On The River’s exhibition catalogue)