Song Of The Exile/ 客途秋恨

電影現場 Improvised Cinema 

「現場電影」(live cinema)是一場表演;藝術家在表演中會隨着現場播放的流動影像即席配樂,兼具實驗性及即時性。「電影現場」(improvised cinema)概念則啟發自《RIL Post》,一本「渣華輪船公司」(Royal Interocean Lines) 的員工月刊裡的一張黑白照片,照片記錄了船員在第四號船艙搭建了一個即興電影院。

‘Live cinema’ is a performance; during the performance, the artist improvises the soundtrack along with the live video, which is at once experimental and instantaneous. The concept of ‘improvised cinema’ is inspired by RIL Post, a black-and-white photo in the monthly staff magazine of Royal Interocean Lines, which shows the crew building an impromptu movie theatre in the hatch No. 4.

電影現場 Improvised Cinema, 

Live Performance by Law Yuk Mui & Damon Lee

Closing  Performance by Lam Yip & Winsome Wong 

Live  Performance by Fangyi Liu, Taipei version 

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